Monday, May 5, 2008

A new collar for Dudley

For those of you who do not know, I have a huge crush on Cesar Millan, "The Dog Whisperer." I checked out his new book, "Be The Pack leader" from the library and checked out his web site. His wife, Illusion, developed a special collar, named afer her. It is supposed to give the Pack Leader (that's me) greater control so the little bugger is not pulling me all over the place. He is so darn strong. He has been to puppy kindergarten, obedience school, and tested to be a therapy dog. He almost made the therapy dog status, until he did a little number 2 right there in front of the trainer and was immediately kicked out. Very, very embarassing. I guess you can't go doing that business in the nursing homes. Anyway, I ordered the collar and am thinking of sending in a video to Cesar. I want him to come to my house and do a show on Dudley. I told my husband about the crush and he is very worried now.

1 comment:

Lotus said...

Judy, you could make Dudley his own suitcase and when Cesar comes by to make you the leader of the pack you could just hide Cesar in the suitcase. It's the perfect crime of passion...ah, ah, ah...I mean, it's the perfect size. :)